Dry eye is a prevalent and often chronic condition that occurs when your eyes are unable to produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly. This leads to an inadequate lubrication of the eyes, resulting in discomfort and potential damage to the ocular surface.

Dry Eye Symptoms

• Gritty or sandy sensation

• Redness

• Itching

• Burning

• Intermittent blurred vision

• Increased sensitivity to light

If you experience any of these symptoms, it's essential to seek professional care from a Trendsetter optometrist who specializes in dry eye management.

What Causes Dry Eye Disease?

There are various factors that can contribute to dry eye. Age is a significant risk factor, as tear production tends to decrease as we get older. Environmental factors such as dry climates, excessive screen time, air conditioning, and heating systems can also exacerbate the condition. Additionally, certain medications, hormonal changes, autoimmune diseases, and eyelid abnormalities can contribute to dry eye. An optometrist can conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine the underlying cause of your dry eye and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Dry Eye Treatment Options

Effective management of dry eye involves a personalized approach tailored to your specific needs. Here at Trendsetter, your optometrist may recommend a combination of strategies to alleviate symptoms and improve tear production and quality. These can include using over-the-counter artificial tear drops or gels, prescribing medicated eye drops, managing contributing factors like contact lens wear or screen time, and implementing lifestyle modifications. In some cases, advanced treatments such as punctal plugs (tiny devices inserted into the tear ducts to prevent tear drainage) or meibomian gland expression (a procedure to unclog oil glands in the eyelids) may be necessary.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Regular eye exams are crucial for individuals with dry eye, as they allow our optometrists at Trendsetter to monitor the progression of the condition and adjust your treatment plan accordingly. They can also detect any potential complications or underlying eye conditions associated with dry eye, such as corneal damage or inflammation. By working closely with your Trendsetter optometrist and following their recommendations, you can find relief from dry eye symptoms and maintain optimal eye health. Don't let dry eye disrupt your daily life - schedule an appointment at Trendsetter Eyewear today!

Dry Eye Questionnaire


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